Mick's Up in a Search

Friday, December 30, 2011

Mick’s up Toxic Foods

I ran across an informative article today at Fox News.  It’s good timing, since I'm doing it for my family.I‘m writing on toxins, and it lists out toxic foods to avoid.  I’m glad to have this information, since it puts the “why” behind some of the things we try to do to be a healthy family.

We eat grass-fed beefWhy?  Meat from cattle that are fed things other than grass ends up being something our bodies have difficulty digesting properly.  Part of the problem is the ratio of Omega-3 to Omega-6 is totally thrown off.  Some of the benefits of grass-fed beef are found in 7 Foods You Should Never Eat, in Five Surprising Steps to Living Younger Starting Today by Dr. Al Sears, and at Strength Food Life.  To find a local supplier near you, go to Eat Wild, or get your meats online at U.S. Wellness Meats.

Microwave popcorn is something we’ve stayed away from for the past year.  Why? We thought it was just because of negative effects of the microwave oven and the GMO issue with corn.  However, other toxins are discussed in the 7 Foods You Should Never Eat, such as “perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), in the lining of the bag.”

Potatoes are another item we’ve avoided recently.  Why?  It was difficult for me, since I am a meat-and-potatoes person… and grew up that way.  However, I see now that not only are we avoiding the glycemic index problem, but we are also avoiding the pesticides, etc.  Apparently potatoes are a highly-sprayed crop (as are peanuts), and the toxins are soaked into the food, which means washing and/or peeling them won’t even make the toxins go away.

Unfortunately, we in my family are not big fish eaters, but that doesn’t mean that we haven’t been careful with the little bit of fish we have eaten.  Why?  I was taught by my nutrition coach last year to avoid farm-raised fish.  I look at the label for “wild-caught” and “Alaskan,” and avoid “Atlantic.”  I thought it was for the mercury issue, and now I see it is also because the fish are “higher in contaminants, including carcinogens, PCBs, brominated flame retardants, and pesticides such as dioxin and DDT.... and the most contaminated fish come from Northern Europe, which can be found on American menus.” (Prevention Magazine)

Looking at cows again, we are reminded of the dangers of dairy.  If you drink dairy, be sure to be wise in your selections.  Why?  The hormones can cause lots of problems for us (and I have to wonder if there is something to the theory of hormones in our food sources causing our little girls to mature too quickly).  If the former CEO of the Oregon division of the American Cancer Society avoids certain dairy products, then isn’t that saying something?

Now these last two are the clinchers for me.

We’ve been eating Granny Smith apples almost exclusively, but my family loves most other types of apples, too.  I guess I’m going to have to be even pickier about my purchases, now that I’ve read 7 Foods You Should Never EatWhy?  Again, pesticides come into play.  "Farm workers have higher rates of many cancers... and increasing numbers of studies are starting to link a higher body burden of pesticides (from all sources) with Parkinson's disease.” 

Not only that, but my consideration of no longer purchasing foods in cans is going to have to extend into my tomato selections as well.  Why?  The acid in the tomatoes reacts with the material to make the toxins come out even more.  “The resin linings of tin cans contain bisphenol-A, a synthetic estrogen that has been linked to ailments ranging from reproductive problems to heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.”

I hope this information has been as eye-opening for you as it has for me.  It seems we'll be making more decisions to buy certain foods that are organic and in glass containers, etc., if we don't want our family members suffering from the chronic, and sometimes fatal, ailments of today.  After all, as Eleanor Roosevelt said, “In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves.  The process never ends until we die.  And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility.”

He makes grass grow for the cattle, and plants for people to cultivate
— bringing forth food from the earth:
Psalm 104:14 (NIV)


Thursday, December 29, 2011

Mick’s up in Your Rut

Great job with getting started on exercising!  Remember, if it’s done Get out of your rut!effectively, it doesn’t have to take up a big chunk of your day

The New Year is a great time to strengthen that habit of daily exercise… but don’t wait for the new year to begin.  You’ve already gotten started, so now just make it a regular thing, a lifestyle.

A very truthful video a friend shared tells it like it is.  Out of the 24 hours we’re given each day, one half of an hour is not going to cause that much of a disturbance.  Can’t we fit everything we need to do into 23 1/2 hours of our day?  Can’t we take just half an hour (or less) to get up and move around with some kind of exercise?

To quote a doctor I know, “Procrastination is the act of not doing what you know you should do and convincing yourself to feel good about it.”  We all know we need exercise.  The trouble isn’t getting the knowledge.  It’s the follow-through.

I have not read the book yet, but I hear "Busting Your Rut" is a great book to help you get out of your comfort zone.  Isn’t it that simple?  We need to get out of our rut.

Just think:  You can do whatever you want for exercise.  It doesn’t have to be like Peter Osborne’s workout for tomorrow, Beast from the East: ”Break it up any way you want.  In any order.  Just get it all done ASAP.”
100 Push-ups
100 Deadlifts (135 pounds)
100 Squats
3 Mile Run

Hmmm… then again, even though I don’t have to, I just might want to try that workout tomorrow.  Sure.  Why not?!

Go to the ant, you sluggard;
consider its ways and be wise!
It has no commander,
no overseer or ruler,
yet it stores its provisions in summer
and gathers its food at harvest.
How long will you lie there, you sluggard?
When will you get up from your sleep?
A little sleep, a little slumber,
a little folding of the hands to rest—
and poverty will come on you like a thief
and scarcity like an armed man.


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Mick’s up Desserts

Yummmm!!!!  Yummmm!!!!

Aren’t holiday goodies just so yummy?!

Now that you’ve had your 3 or 4 splurges during the season, it’s time to get back to the normal routine, but your sweet tooth says it still needs some dessert once in a while, right?!

There are plenty of alternatives out there.  Why go for the sugar, when you can have food that’s tasty AND healthy?

Some great resources are (and I’m sure you can add some of your own finds to the list):

Is it easy to resist desserts? No way!  You don’t know how much I wish (sometimes) I was ignorant of the killer effects of sugar and grains, like I used to be. Help!  Don't let those sugary treats get near me!I do not like living an “abnormal” life (according to most people around me).  I do not like being labeled as a “health nut.”  In reality, I don’t see myself as that.  I simply see myself as a wife and mom, who is planning ahead for my husband and children, doing everything possible to help them avoid a future filled with pain and disease (and helping my husband and me live life to the fullest NOW, rather than the way we were before)Would it be easier to live like we used to?  Yes!  Would there be a lot less resistance with our choices of foods?  Yes!

Would we feel as alive as we do now?  No!

As much as I might want to at times, I will not give up!  Can you hang in there with me?  Please… Don’t give up!

OK… I think it might be time to try a Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Pie recipe (using almond butter)!!!!!

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Pie
Take 3 cups of almond flour and mix in 1 stick of melted butter until you have a dry paste.  Flatten the mix into a pie pan until you have created a base crust.  Bake this for 5-12 minutes in the oven or until lightly browned.

Heat, on low heat, the peanut butter (or any nut butter you like) until liquid consistency and pour a very thin layer into your browned pie crust.  You will not like the recipe as much if you get too much peanut butter in it.  So spread it thin.

NOW the good stuff, the chocolate pudding:
If you do not have a Vitamix blender, then mix this part 1/2 to 1/3  at a time in a traditional blender.
Pour 1 can of Coconut milk into blender,
Add 1.5 scoops of Chocolate Perfect Protein powder
1 heaping teaspoon of Stevita brand stevia
2 heaping tablespoons of organic cocoa
1 large ripe banana
Take 5 large ripe avocado’s and add them on top of the mix and blend.

Once it is mixed, it will be the consistency of traditional pudding.

Pour this into your pie crust and put in the fridge overnight or for a couple hours.

Take any left over pudding and put it in a glass 1/3 of the way full and fill with frozen blue berries.

“Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it;
I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.”


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Mick’s up with Your Travel

Since we just finished a great week of travel over the holiday, soaking up lots of love from family, I’m thinking you might be traveling, too.  We love visiting parents, brothers and sisters-in-law, nephews, grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles… but it sure can be a pain in the neck!
Proper Sleep Position

I don’t mean it as a cliché.  I mean it literally!

If Jay and I don’t take our regular pillows with us when we travel, then we have pains in our necks each morning and throughout the days.  Why is that?  Do you have the same problem?  What do you use for sleeping?  What is recommended for proper sleeping?

First, the why:  “Sleeping on a pillow that does not properly support your neck or causes it to tilt forward can gradually decrease the angle of the cervical curve and cause pain, stiffness, headaches, and misalignment of the vertebrae over time.” (Dr. Suzy)  There it is!  We need to support the natural curve in our necks.  “A normal, healthy neck has a small lordosis, which means it curves.” (Anne Asher)

Next, the what:  I have always wondered what is healthiest for sleeping, and so I was very excited to be told at my previous chiropractor’s office of a neck support to use while sleeping.  So far, that is the best thing I have found.  Nothing worked as well before I used this cervical pillow, and I have not yet come across anything since.

You might use a type of pillow suggested by your doctor.  I am not going to say it is good or bad.  If you are trying to improve your cervical curve, then that is a great place to be!

Finally, the how:  As much as people don’t want to hear it, there are some sleep positions that are just not at all good for the spine.  If you truly, honestly want to be the healthiest you can be, then you need to consider your spine, and in this case, how you sleep.  Lying on your back and using spinal supports is the best thing you can do for yourself, when it comes to sleeping.  It takes time to get used to it, if you are not a back sleeper… but it sure is worth it!  (I heard a great tip from a chiropractor recently.  She suggested that a stomach sleeper wear an oversized shirt for pajamas, and stuff a pillow under the shirt at the chest/belly area.  This should hinder a stomach sleeper from rolling onto their belly while sleeping.)

Keep your chin up!

In peace I will lie down and sleep,
for you alone, LORD, make me dwell in safety.


Monday, December 26, 2011

A Mick’s up of Candy Canes

During this Christmastide, it’s fun to look at the history of the songs and treats of the holiday season.

There are several renditions of the meaning behind the 12 Days of Christmas*, even though some party-poopers say there is no secret messageMake it a Christmas you'll never forget!

Isaac Watts wrote many great hymns, after his dad challenged him to do better than the songs Isaac complained about at church, and one of those delights was Joy to the World.

Another wonderful Christmas carol is Silent Night.  My son has had fun learning the song this year in its original German.

The candy cane has a sweet story.  Whatever the version of the legend, let the candy cane be a reminder of what Christ has done for you.  The white symbolizes the purity of Christ.  The red stripes symbolize the punishment He went through, so that you don’t have to.  The peppermint is reminiscent of the hyssop, which stands for cleansing.

Let this be a Christmas season you’ll never forget.  If you haven’t ever done anything with the Truth of Christ for your own life, consider doing something nowAdmit that you haven’t lived a perfect life, haven’t followed all of God’s laws, won’t make it to heaven without help, need a saviorBelieve that Christ is that savior, that He came as a pure and perfect person not deserving of punishment, but taking on the consequence of your sinClaim that gift from God our Judge, that acquittal, that clean slate.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and with this new life, Happy Birthday!

But He was wounded for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed.

*For fun, check out this Price Index for the 12 Days of Christmas.


Friday, December 23, 2011

Mick’s in Safety with Christmas

Christmas is a time of joy.  We don’t want to think of the bad things that can happen.  However, we do want to take precautions, so that we keep our families safe.Remember the Nativity... Christ is the reason for the season.

Some things to watch out for are for the safety of our pets and kids.

Christmas decorations are awesome, however, some plants are toxic

Take some excellent advice from a pediatricianDr. Brian Gannon lists out several dangers, for parents to be aware during the holidays.

That’s not all.  It’s easy to find safety tips online.  Some examples of other links available for extra research are:  Tips for Parents: Christmas Safety and The Top Five Christmas Dangers For Children and Pets.

Don’t forget.  Toxins are not only physical and chemical.  They can also be emotionalBeware of the “green-eyed monster!”

Let this be a time of celebration, but keep safe and focused on the true meaning of the holiday.

Merry Christmas!!

Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you;
he is the Messiah, the Lord.


Thursday, December 22, 2011

Mick's up Laughter

I pray you have an enjoyable Christmas, gathered with family.  If you do get to be with family, most likely you’ll be having lots of laughter.  Getting together can be a a lot of fun… and healthy.
Merry Christmas!
In a study, it was found that people “burned 20 percent more calories when laughing, compared to not laughing.”  (Laughter Can Burn Calories)
These calories are burned by the use of approximately 53 muscles, including abdominal and facial muscles.  (Fun Trivia) 
Consider the facts:  “It takes 65 muscles to frown and 13 to smile.  Why work overtime.” (B. J. Palmer)
Our mouths were filled with laughter,
our tongues with songs of joy.
Then it was said among the nations,
“The LORD has done great things for them.”
The LORD has done great things for us,
and we are filled with joy.


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Mick’s in Some Christmas Travel

Are you traveling this Christmas, like we are?  Safe travels!

Do you wonder how to eat healthily on the road?  We do, too… but we can share with you some ideas.

Planning ahead is key.  If you can’t or don’t want to pack your own healthy foods for the trip, then think up some alternatives.  Look at menus online before you head out, or find resources, such as the Curves™ book.  On page 163, there are a few helpful tips:  “Fast-food restaurants are okay as long as you order a burger or grilled chicken sandwich (throw away the bun) and a side salad… do not ‘super size’ your order… and of course, don’t order the fries.”  Also, Subway® has salad options.  No, I know the salads aren’t made with the most nutritious greens, nor are the meats the best choices, but it sure beats the nuggets at some of the other fast-food chains.

At this point, I’m not even going to consider addressing the grass-fed meat issue, nor the wild-caught fish information.  For a meal or two, while traveling, amidst the overall healthy eating habits developed to this point, doing your best at eating foods to help boost your immune system and your energy level, instead of dragging you down and causing inflammation, pain, and sickness, is the main focus.

“Fill your plate with Free Foods (Curves™ lingo for low-cal/low-carb)… and bypass the starches and desserts.”
(Gary Heavin and Carol Colman in Curves™ page 163)

Fast-food is not my top choice, so if you have time in your travel schedule for a sit-down meal, it might be an easier find for health-boosting foods (rancid oils are the biggest threat here, but do your best).  Again, the Curves™ book says it well:  “An Italian restaurant that offers salads and meat or fish entrees is workable.  Diners are great because they typically have a wide variety of food and serve it without a lot of fancy sauces.  Asian restaurants are a great option as long as you order the steamed or lightly sautéed vegetables with fish or chicken and avoid the deep-fried selections or foods cooked in heavy sauces.”

We had fun stopping at a mom-and-pop-style coffee shop on our last trip.  This allowed for the option of fresh, healthier sandwiches and wraps.  Of course, in a café like that, the sandwiches are made-to-order, which means you can order it open-faced or with an option other than the bread.  Try it out.

Remember, you’re eating for fuel, not for entertainment.  I like the quote, “Eat to live, don't live to eat. (Benjamin Franklin)

Packing healthy snacks for between meals on the road is easy enough with foods like LARABAR, Granny Smith Apples, celery, grapes (in a solid container, not a plastic baggie, unless you want grape juice… just speaking from experience here), raw nuts and trail mix (but try to forego the chocolates and the oily nuts) with dates and raisins, Fruit Ropes , bananas, and low-glycemic candiesWATER… remember lots of water!  One way to keep alert is to keep hydrated

Another way to keep alert is to have fun!  Play travel games, like I-spy and telling riddles, etc.  Listen to family audio dramas, such as Adventures in Odyssey and Lamplighter Theatre.  Keeping your mind and body busy with activity will keep your mind off food.

We wish you safe travels and happy eating!

The LORD bless you and keep you;
the LORD make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;
the LORD turn his face toward you
and give you peace.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas Mick’s up with Chiropractic

Sales here…  sales there…  everywhere you turn, you find a sale!  ‘Tis the season.
Merry healthy Christmas!

We aren’t complaining!  We love a good deal, don’t we? 

One area you might not have been looking for a sale is in the area of health.  Look around, though, because you just might find a chiropractor near you, which is willing to give you a break on the cost of an initial exam.  Why would they want to do that?  Yes, sure, it’s good for business… but most importantly, the doctors want you to give yourself the gift of wellness. 

What better time to take care of yourself than now, when family is wanting to spend time with a healthy you?!  Your family and friends love you and want you to be around for many more years.  A good way to insure that is by taking a good, close look at your health.  The best way to do that is by seeing how well your Central Nervous System is responding.  After all, it is in charge of making everything in your body function, right?

As the Weekly Sticky reminds us this week, “You LIVE in your Nerve System.  EVERYTHING you experience in life is processed through it… what you see, what you hear, what you feel.   That's why Chiropractors care so much about keeping it healthy.  If your Nerve System is stressed, there goes your ability to interpret your world, and there goes your ability to successfully navigate life.”

Hey… Even Santa gets chiropractic care.  Isn’t that saying something?!

She considers a field and buys it;
out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.


Monday, December 19, 2011

Mick's up Ideas for Christmas

Are you last-minute shopping?  If so, you're not the only one. 

If you're looking for something extra special, you can make this a most memorable Christmas for someone in need.

Looking back on this year, there are some families that need our help. 

For example, Mick's up on Relief Efforts tells about flooding that hit New York State, Pennsylvania, and surrounding areas.  There are still families without proper heat, finished walls, or even housing.  Let's not forget about them this Christmas.  Read some more at Spreading holiday cheer in Owego.

As we fill our house with more toys and "stuff," we will try to give away things we no longer use, so kidderz who lost toys and other belongings can have some "new" ones.

For more information on how to give, look up Rebuild Owego, read some of the recent posts in Neighbor Helping Neighbors - Greene County, learn from an article such as After the Flood: Prattsville, or contact OwegoAskForHelp@gmail.com

Enjoy this week leading up to Christmas, and think outside the box for a mix of ideas.

“They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’
   “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’
   “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”

Matthew 25:44-46 (NIV)


Friday, December 16, 2011

The Toxicity in a Mick’s up of Deficiency

“When you're feeling down, help someone else, volunteer, and give (time, talents, energy).
It's harder to be sad when you are serving!”

The holidays are supposed to be a happy time.  However, some of our friends and neighbors are dealing with more than we realize.  There are sicknesses, hurts, sadness, and depression.  A sermon I heard this week mentions the pain some feel during this time.  That reminds me to pray for the hurting people in the world, especially to remember to stop my celebrating long enough to look beyond myself to others around me.
Penn State Nittany Lion with a Tear
It’s no fair feeling down during a season of joy, but it’s a reality for some of us.  If you find yourself getting this way, try some of the precautions mentioned in “Is Your Food Stressing You Out?”  Dr. Eric Slead and Dr. Justin Moseley point out some deficiencies that are most likely part of the cause:
  • Increase your protein intake.  “Protein-rich foods contain… alertness chemicals… like beans, chicken, and lean grass-fed beef.”
  • Increase your Vitamin D3 intake, because “Vitamin D levels are very low in those who suffer from depression and heart disease.”  The reason for a Vitamin D3 supplement is “Vitamin D levels are linked to melatonin levels.  Melatonin is secreted as we sleep normally and increases during seasonal changes in daylight.  Melatonin increases appetite, decreases alertness, and affects mood.”
  • Increase your Essential Fatty Acids, such as your omegas.  “Proper balance of these fatty acids matters for both physical and mental health.  The deficit of omega-3 fatty acids is linked to depression.”  Kimberly Roberto adds, “Perfect Ratio Omega improves brain function, helps fight depression, stabilizes blood sugar, and lowers blood pressure.”
  • Increase your number of chiropractic adjustments.  “The physiological impact, the relief of nerve stress, and the subsequent relaxation of muscles and associated organs makes a Chiropractic adjustment not only a great way to reduce stress short term, but long term allows your body to live in a state of health.”

Granted, this looks like I’m belittling the severity of these feelings.  Please understand I am not. 

The truth is…
For some of us, it’s more than just a mood.  There are people dealing with a more serious issue, namely depressionMark Hyman, MD states in his article Why Antidepressants Don't Work for Treating Depression, “Depression is among the most common problems seen in primary-care medicine and soon will be the second leading cause of disability in this country. ”  He adds some items to the above deficiencies list to treat depression without drugs: 
  • Decrease inflammatories in your diet.
  • Be aware of thyroid issues (Ask your chiropractor how hypothyroidism can be handled through a change in lifestyle.)
  • Increase the right B vitamins!
  • Watch for toxicity, specifically mercury.
  • Exercise!!!

Want more information to fight depression?  Watch the archived "Depression Revealed" Webinar with Gwen Olsen.  She is a former drug rep, who speaks out with shocking statistics about depression.

I hope this is helpful for you and your loved ones, who might be fighting emotional darkness this Christmas. I’ll be praying for you and for all those who feel there is no way out.  Look to the Lord.  Talk to Him.  He’ll listen and love you at all times.

Praise the LORD,…
who redeems your life from the pit
and crowns you with love and compassion


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Mick’s up Winter

What do you do for exercise in the winter?  If you live in a warm climate, you might find it easier to be active outdoors than those who live in the tundra.  Then again, those in the freezing cold are most likely there because they like it, and they find activities that allow them to enjoy their environment.

Have fun this winter!
If you have kidderz or grandkidderz, you can go outside and have fun digging snow caves and tunnels or building snow forts, and have a snowball fight… or how about some sledding!  That climb back up to the top is exercise for sure!  Oh… cross-country skiing… is one of my favorites.

How about a wog around the neighborhood?  Yes, I said, “wog.”  That is what my husband called my walk/jog exercise regimen that got me from a walk to a run.  It’s really fun!  I found a coaching schedule at Nike Running.  All you do is walk for a bit, then jog for a bit, and repeat it several times.  You could even do it in an interval training style.  Start out at a walk, then burst into a run for 20 seconds, and go back to a walk.  Repeat it as necessary.  That is so much fun, I want to go do it now!

Whatever you choose, remember this season’s To Do List, and exercise a day or two more each week of this Christmastide.  You want to stay healthy, right?

God’s voice thunders in marvelous ways;
he does great things beyond our understanding.
He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth,’ and to the rain shower, ‘Be a mighty downpour.’


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Mick’s up in the Eggnog

While we talk about staying healthy this Christmastide, we don’t want to miss out on the holiday treats, right?!Yummy Holiday Treats!  You’re probably saying, “Who wants to think about diet and nutrition now?  Save it for the New Year’s Resolutions!

There are alternatives, if you do want to enjoy sweets without the negative effects of sugar and artificial sweeteners.  There are great resources out there, like those listed in the left margin, categorized as the food blogs I follow.  One amazing example is Healing Cuisine by Elise.  In fact, she entered a recipe in the Gluten-free Cookie Swap.  (She’d love it, if you’d vote for her.)

Another possibility is downloading a FREE Holiday Recipes eCookbook, when you “like” Maxmized Living on Facebook.  Also, at McCoy Fitness, you can pick up your FREE Clean Zone Diet Cookbook!

As was mentioned in Mick’s up Merry, you should go ahead and plan to have some good ole sweets, etc., but the key is to plan.  “If you typically ‘pig out’ once per week,  hold off and do it every two.  Have a blast and eat like it’s your last meal for 3-4 meals (not days)!”

I’ll leave you with this recipe for eggnog.  Yummy!!

Super Easy Egg Nog  (1 serving)                                    
This is an individual serving size of eggnog. It is quick and easy, healthy and a great treat especially during the holidays.

Ingredients 1 whole egg
½ cup pine nuts or chopped pecans (optional)
¼ teaspoon organic vanilla
¼-½ teaspoon stevia or xylitol, or to taste
1 cup coconut milk
Nutmeg to taste
1 pinch sea salt

Directions Beat the egg with the sweetener of your choice along with salt. Pour into a glass. Add vanilla and
milk and stir to mix. Sprinkle a little ground nutmeg on top.

“Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 
Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. 
This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” 


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Mick’s up Merry

Get the most out of your holiday.  Have fun, but also take care of yourself.  That way, you don’t have to take a vacation to recover from your vacation!
Merry Christmas!
I read some great advice in an article, “The Holidays: The Most Important Time to Keep Yourself Well.”  Even though I’m all about avoiding sugar and other inflammatories as much as possible, I also say we need to plan for splurges.  The article puts it well:  “Have a blast and eat like it's your last meal for 3-4 meals (not days) over the Holidays (starting with the Christmas parties, right up until New Years).  Yet, remember it’s about God and others – both of whom want you to live a long and joyous life.  Continue to exercise, manage your peace, and make the other meals nutritious.”
So, with that said, let’s move on to the Central Nervous System and how you will take care of that during the holidays.  The Central Nervous System controls all function and healing in the body, which includes the immune system.  One great way to keep healthy this holiday season is by boosting your immune system.  If you have not been seeing a chiropractor, now would be a great time to start.  This one change in your lifestyle will be a wonderful boost to your immune system.

Here’s a great to-do list from the above-mentioned Holiday article:
- If you typically exercise four days per week, exercise five days per week! 
- If you get adjusted twice per month, visit your chiropractor three or four times during the month of December!
- If you typically pig out once a week, hold off and do it every two! -If you usually function on 6-8 hours of nightly sleep, give yourself 8-10 hours instead.
“ Glory to God in the highest,
And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”

Monday, December 12, 2011

Mick’s up with Peanuts

It's a Wonderful Movie - Blog
“The more we count the blessings we have, the less we crave the luxuries we haven’t.” - William Arthur Ward

Yes, how true.  If we will just stop and be grateful for the things we’ve been blessed with, we might actually stop being so greedy.

Can you tell I am a bit frustrated with a conversation that happened in our house today?  Just when you think you’re raising your kidderz right, something like this hits you.  I can see we have a few more lessons to learn.

Why is it we allow ourselves to get so caught up in receiving gifts at Christmas time, that we push the purest and most valuable gift aside.  Does it get old after a while? I don’t think the true Christmas story can ever get old.  It’s been more than 2000 years, and like the bumper sticker I saw today says, Jesus is “still saving lives!”

Jesus Christ is the real reason we celebrate this beautiful holiday.  Sure, the gift-giving (and getting) is great… but what we are celebrating is even greater!

We all know what really happened that day long ago.  A wee little baby came into this world for you!  He’s your very own Savior!  No matter what you did over these years of your life, He loves you dearly.

I have an old tract from American Tract Society called “What Christmas Is All About.”  Highlighting Linus and his speech that answers that question of Charlie Brown’s, the tract states, “The Bible says that without Jesus, we are separated from God forever.  We can never be as perfect as He is.  Our sins, those bad things we do and say and think, go against what God wants for us… and like all bad things, our sins need to be punished.  So God sent Jesus to save us from that punishment.”

If you have never thanked God for that baby Jesus, who grew up to be your Knight in Shining Armor to rescue you from eternal torture, and if you have never allowed Jesus to be that Knight in Shining Armor for you, then what better way to celebrate this Christmas than to talk to Him right nowAdmit to God that you need to be rescued.  Believe that Jesus is that rescuer.  Claim the gift He has offered to you.

Yay!  Wooohooooo!  We’re celebrating with you! 

Forget about the list for Santa or wishlistr.   The freedom you’ll feel now is better than any gift anyone can give you for Christmas. 

“Indeed, there is no one on earth who is righteous,
no one who does what is right and never sins.”

“Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance:
Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners”


Friday, December 9, 2011

Mick’s up with Emotional Toxins

We have learned that stress can come from all different areas, and it can affect our health.

We kind of touched on this with Mick’s up with Accountability, but let’s take a look at how the people we hang out with can be toxic.  Not only can they influence us in our eating patterns and our fitness, but they can also influence our attitude.

I’m sure you’ve heard about it.  A very popular topic that has been around is Toxic Friendships.

Like I’ve said before, I do believe that God wants us to be a blessing to everyone we encounter.  So, I’m not saying you should be selfish and think only of yourself and your own well-being.  However, it is important for you to stay as healthy as you can, so you can keep on efficiently doing work for God as long as possible.  You do not want to have to take time away from what God wants you to do, all because you didn’t take care of yourself to begin with, and then you have to concentrate on yourself more, so you can heal from being sick.

“Those who fail to take the time to be healthy
will ultimately have to take the time to be sick.”
(Dr. James Chappell)

You know all the warnings we give our kidderz about being careful in choosing the types of people they hang around.  Why should it be different for us?  We can be bombarded by emotional toxins (negativity, discouragement, pessimism, worry, fear, put-downs and verbal abuse, etc.), just as easily as chemical toxins. 
The perfect gift!

At the same time, true friendship can be a great antidote to what ails us.  What a blessing!

Be a friend to those who need a friend, but make sure your relationships remain healthy, so that you can remain healthy.

A cheerful heart is good medicine,
but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Mick's up Buddies

Do you have an exercise buddy?  When I coached at our local Curves®, a lot of the members enjoyed working out with a buddy.  It really helped them to keep up their visits at the gym... so much so, that if their workout buddy didn't make it to the gym, neither did they.  Even worse, if one buddy quit, both quit.  So, except for these last statements... the ones about not working out and quitting..., having a workout buddy really is a great thing.

We covered the importance of accountability earlier this week, so why not relate it to exercise?

"The average female will shed more than 10 pounds when she has girlfriends who are willing to eat healthily and train with her.  But a fifth of those who choose to go it alone don't drop a single pound." (Daily Mail Reporter)

That's enough of a reason!  Isn't it?

I must admit.  I do exercise on my own, more than with a buddy.  However, when dealing with factors like injuries or yucky weather, it's easier to talk myself out of my workout than if I have someone relying on me to back them up.

It's been a fun year, watching my family blossom into mini-athletes.  It really helps that my husband has more energy from our lifestyle change, and now initiates outside play with the kidderz, as well as MaxT3 workouts with me.  What a surprise to have a new workout buddy in my own house!

Even though it is more fun with a buddy, I did witness, as a coach, more talking than exertion at the gym.  (That doesn't happen at our house.  I don't allow any slacking.  Just ask my hubby.)  So, beware.  Make sure you are truly keeping each other accountable, if you're serious about making it worth your while and reaching your weight loss and fitness goals.

Do you need that extra boost from a buddy?  There are tips on seeking out the right person.

I don't know about you, but I certainly get more competitive when I'm working out with someone else.  That makes me work harder, which of course makes it a much better workout.

So, get a great workout, bring someone along, and have fun!

Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training.
They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Mick’s up with Accountability

As we look at our stress levels and attitude toward each day’s events, let’s also look at who we hang around.

Dave Ramsey says in his lessons in Financial Peace UniversityIf you want to be rich, talk to rich people, and do what rich people do.

Why don’t we look at that for our health and wellness, too.  Doesn’t it make sense to seek out people you want to be like?  I’m not saying you should be judgmental and snobbish.  We certainly are placed in people’s lives to make a difference, for the glory of God.  However, you can’t constantly give without refueling… and how you refuel is important.  We can view this in a spiritual sense as well as in a health sense.

Think about it.  If weight loss is your goal, but you are regularly joining in get-togethers with friends who eat out constantly… and not healthily… then isn’t that going to have a negative impact on your health?

That’s why it’s always helpful to have an accountability partner… again, spiritual and wellness.  You know how difficult it is to “diet” and cook healthy meals at home, when the rest of the family is still eating the same stuff you are all familiar with… the stuff that you now realize is keeping you from being fit.  It’s not easy stepping out of that comfort zone with your family… so you can imagine it seems almost impossible to make the necessary changes without the support of your family.

Bring somebody along on the journey with you.

I explained this concept to my 8-year-old daughter last month.  After spending time with friends, I asked her if she noticed how addicting the munchies seemed to be to those we were with.  She did.  I then pointed out Watch out for marketing tricks!what ingredients made up the munchies, and I asked her if she thought those were what we like to include in our foods.  She knows they are not.  I asked her if she thought the friends seem to be a healthy bunch.  She understood that they are not.  I then explained that, just because the munchies had the word “veggie” in the name, the friends thought they were healthy.  To them, healthy and tasty meant they should eat more!  By not paying attention to the ingredients, the friends got pulled into thinking they were eating something good for them, and they allowed themselves to get hooked on the taste.

The moral of the story is:  Just because the name sounds healthy, and just because your friends are eating it, does not mean the food is guaranteed to be a healthy choice.  As I’ve said before, look at the ingredients, and know what you’re looking out for!  If you’re hanging around people with similar health goals, you can help each other out, and you won’t get drawn to bad eating habits… at least not without facing your accountability partner.

Seek out an accountability partner today!

…there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Mick’s up on Stress

“Chiropractic is Proactive.

We all deal with stress of some kind in our lives.  We are faced with any one or a combination of the three stresses, which are physical, emotional, and chemical.
Physical stress can be a variety of things, from sleeping in a weird position to being in a car accident.
We all experience stress.
Emotional stress is obvious.  We worry.  Our feelings get hurt.  Tragedies happen.
Chemical stress is anything from seemingly harmless caffeine, to pollution, to drugs.
The Central Nervous System, which consists of your brain and spinal cord, lies between stress and illness.
“Stress is managed and processed through the Central Nervous System.  That means how you handle stress is dependent on the condition of your nervous system and how well it can manage the stress you are under.  If there is interference, its ability to handle stress will be hindered, and you may find yourself in ill health.  Chiropractic offers lifestyle support to help better address whatever your challenges might be.  If you want a healthy lifestyle, chiropractic is a critical component.” (Dr. Patrick Gentempo)
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.
Each day has enough trouble of its own.